Serving Florida Since 2007


Is the Managed Repair Program right for you?

There are a lot of things you need to know before you can make an informed decision. Understanding all of the facts surrounding your claim and how your unique case fits into the managed repair program is important. 

Water damage and MRP Program

Do you have homeowners insurance with Citizens? Do you have the MRP program? 

If this sounds familiar to you, but you don’t exactly know what the MRP program is, then you’re in the right place. 

MRP – Managed Repair Program was created by Citizens to streamline claims faster internally, thus giving them greater control over costs. When you opt for the managed repair program when a covered event occurs, you have the choice of accepting a $10,000 payout or working with an approved list of vendors.  

If you choose to accept the one-time payout, you may be stuck with only $10,000 to fix your damage. This applies even if you find out later on the insurance adjuster hired by your insurance company failed to identify all the damage and your repair is actually much higher than you were told initially.  

In claims where the repair costs far exceed the one-time payout, then opting to work with the insurance company’s approved vendor list can be the right move. 

Managed Repair Program or $10,000 payout? 

This may not be as easy as it sounds. Suppose the insurance adjuster comes back with a repair estimate of $10,500. This means you would have to go $500 out of pocket to repair the damage if you choose the single payout of $10,000. 

Choosing to go $500 out of pocket would allow you to choose your own vendor – perhaps one you’ve already worked with in the past and a vendor you trust. But, if you choose the single payout and the repair estimate is inaccurate, then any gap between the $10,000 payout and the final repair cost would be your responsibility. 

In this case, the best course of action would be to have a public adjuster go inspect your property and perform a comprehensive inspection. Triumph Consulting’s public adjusters deploy sophisticated equipment and software to every inspection. This allows us to find damage insurance adjusters typically miss to help you have a full picture of the actual damage your property sustained so you can make an informed decision. 

Is the MRP Program right for you?

Dealing with an MRP claim? We can help. 

Speak to one of our public adjusters today. Call 954-669-4935 now for a free claim review, or go to

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